CTE Home

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What is CTE?

The mission of Career and Technical Education is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.  CTE programs are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills, as well as their ability to work independently and a part of a team, think creatively and solve problems, and utilize technology in the thinking and problem solving process.

CTE engages middle and high school students in rigorous and relevant learning to prepare them for post-secondary education and careers.  These careers may require varying levels of education—from high school and postsecondary certificates to two–year and four-year college degrees.  



Mount Airy City Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Mount Airy City Schools does not, and will not, discriminate on the basis of race, religion, natural origin, sex, age, or disability, and accommodates the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Mount Airy City Schools es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Mount Airy City Schools no discrimina ni discriminará por motivos de raza, religión, origen natural, sexo, edad o discapacidad, y se adapta a las necesidades de las personas con discapacidades.

CTE Annual Notice

Please check out the following document to see what
CTE Career Pathways and courses MACS has to offer.
MACS Career Pathways

For more information and resources on CTE, click on the links below: 


Career and Technical Education Staff
Krystal Tyndall
Career & Technical Education 
Twitter: @Krystal-Tyndall
Kevin Joyce Picture
Kevin Joyce
CIMC, Internship
Andrea Brown Profile Image
Andrea Brown
 Noah  Cox`s profile picture
Noah Cox
Technology, Engineering, and Design Education
Drones, Game Art Design
Michael Culler
Agriculture Education 
Animal Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Agriculture Mechanics
Chuck Hiatt
Trade and Industrial Education
Construction Core, Carpentry
Garrett Howlett's Profile Photo
Garrett Howlett
STEAM Lead Teacher
Technology, Engineering, and Design Education
PLTW, District C
Ashley Hultman
Health Sciences Education
Health Science, Health Careers
Mrs. Angela  Mayfield`s profile picture
Angela Mayfield
 Katy  O
Katy O'Neal
Family and Consumer Sciences
Foods, Interior Design, Counseling and Mental Health I
Greg Taylor's Profile Photo
Greg Taylor
Trade and Industrial Education